For those of you not in the know, Nacho Night is a benefit put on by Signal Mountain Lodge and Moose Corner Daycare in order to help fund Moose Corner Daycare which offers affordable daycare services to GTNP residents and employees. It is also the premiere social event of the Jackson Hole winter season, at least for us Park dwellers : ) SML staff prepare the food and Moose Daycare staff wait table and sell tickets.
Near-record snowfall in the month of February had the NPS road crews working overtime and brought into question for a while whether the event was even going to take place at all, but at the last minute they came through and we were able to move forward (which was fortunate as we had already ordered the food!) All in all we sold 123 plates of Nachos, and were able to raise of $6100 for Moose Corner Daycare. We would like to thank the following folks for their generous donations, both material and temporal: Nicholas Food Service, Sysco Food Service, High Country Linen, Teton Coca Cola, Snake River Brewing, Osprey Distributing, NPS Roads Dept
Thanks to everyone who came out, and we hope you'll enjoy some behind-the-scenes images from the night!
Executive Chef Andrew digs into the Nacho Beef/ Our shovel crew worked all day to dig paths into the dining room for the event. Nice walls, guys!
Shenanigans in the dish pit
Beautifully plated condiments (if we do say so ourselves)
Now where are these going?
Bar Manager Mike, Accounting Manager Steve, and F&B Director Erik are ready to pour you a margarita!
Chief Nacho Architect Danny Cornell and his faithful assistant Toby take a well-deserved break
These ladies know how to top a Nacho!